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  1. R

    Log in & register to the Nevada Escorts Social Forum with your Twitter account

    We are pleased to announce that new and current users can now log in & register to Nevada Escorts Social Forum with your Twitter account with with complete Twitter functionality.
  2. R

    Live chat feature is Live

    As promised you will notice on the chat bar various new applications added as of this morning. Pay a visit and try them out. Much more to come....
  3. R

    Live chat feature is Live

    The Live chat feature is now live and working. During the course of the week we will be adding categorized chat rooms. The current features available to use now are the following; Private Chat Voice/Video Chat: Users can video and/or voice chat with each other straight from our platform...
  4. R

    Live Chat capability coming this week

    This is an update in regards to the live chat feature. The live chat feature is enabled and available to use now. Please keep in mind we are testing various aspects of it. Please feel free to report any issues you might encounter or any general feedback you might have.. Our testing will...
  5. R

    Live Chat capability coming this week

    This is an update in regards to the status of the live chat feature. We apologize for the delay, but this will be in place early next week and will be enabled for all registered users and additionally there also is a mobile application or extension to this feature that will be made available...
  6. R

    Live Chat capability coming this week

    Live chat feature will be coming this week and will enable users to not only have live chat, but also video chat very similar to the popular FB chat
  7. R

    For First-Timers Welcome Message

    Welcome to the Nevada Escorts Social Forum! Feel free to browse around the forums and interact with any of the members, and post your questions in the "General" forum if you can't think of anywhere else to put them! We'll post more in this thread so check here for welcome messages.
  8. R

    Rules For Members

    SPAM – This is a general term that describes making posts for the sake of posting and in general “nuisance posting”. It is a good thing to make thoughtful posts on the message board about topics. But making dozens and dozens of posts about basically the same topic to ensure a “look at me” type...
  9. R

    Social Forum Cheat Sheet

    Logging in: Located at Click the “Login or Register” tab in the upper right, a popup will show where you can enter your username and password – click Login to login or Register for new users. Profiles/Signatures Once logged in, you can hover over your...
  10. R

    What is/are the policy/policies if, after the party, the client is (for lack of a better term) less than thrilled*?

    Of course, with that being said, I suppose it can go both ways in that, after the party, maybe it could be the courtesan who ends up being less than thrilled.
  11. R

    What if Someone is "Unhappy" With a Party :-0?

    I know it's probably rare, but have you ever had instances when a client is (for whatever reason) "unhappy" with a party or with the services provided?
  12. R

    Can I bring my significant other to party with me?

    Absolutely! The brothels love couples parties!! The only rule is there must be one girl for every male in the room.
  13. R

    What is a "Party"?

    The most common definition is any activities you compensate a lady for, typically those that take place behind closed doors if you catch my meaning. Although, many parties can take place in other areas requested.
  14. R

    How do I find out who's currently working and available??

    You can do this in more than one way: The easiest way is to directly contact the lady via their email (listed on their respective page of the Nevada Escorts) or by viewing through our sites lineup page( OR Look at the message board section called "Lineups", the...
  15. R

    Is there any way to contact the girls?

    Yes and you could do so just as easily as you would've done in all the other individual ranch sites. Simply go to a girl's profile, click the 'Contact Me' button, and enter your details in the form.
  16. R

    What's the difference with and all the other brothels individual websites?

    In Nevada Escorts, we've gathered all the girls from each brothel (MBR,LRN,KKR, and SBR) to make browsing easier and the choices vast.
  17. R

    What is this forum and why can't I post in this particular forum?

    This forum is a section for people to read the most commonly asked questions and to be a resource for those wanting to come out to the brothels for the first time, as well as quickly get the post important information. Only moderators will be able to post and reply here. If you have something...
  18. R

    Welcome Everyone!!!

    I agree.
  19. R

    Welcome Everyone!!!

    welcome. still lots to add. chat with video option is coming in a few day. also have to fill in FAQs things like that, but more to come...