What if I told you there was something you could do before your visit to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch that could make it at least ten times better if you'll trust the advice I'm about to give you? In fact, it could make all your future sexual encounters so much better and so much more satisfying.
Put simply, death grip makes your penis less sensitive and it makes it harder to achieve climax. I can say, with confidence, that it's far better to be too sensitive and climax too early than it is to have to work extra hard to get there. If you're an early shooter, no worries! Trust me, there's plenty of things a sex worker can do to help you pass the time pleasantly until you're ready to go again. And if you recover quickly, you get multiple orgasms. What's the downside?
In mild cases of death grip, you can stay hard but won't climax. You might feel like you can go on forever, but eventually, your partner will get dry or even sore. And after a while, your brain, the most important sex organ of all, will say, "Nope, I'm out," and you won't achieve climax.
If your death grip is really bad, you won't be able to get hard at all. You can have the perfect setup, but your penis won't respond. It's super-frustrating and it can make you feel like you're not masculine.
A vagina is soft, slick, hot, and slightly grippy, right? Now, how do most men masturbate? With their hand. Feel the inside of your hand. It's rough, dry, not as hot, and can grip much harder than any vagina could.
I think handjobs can be great, but if masturbation is your main sexual outlet and you use your hands, you are causing the nerves in your penis to go numb. When that happens, what do you do? You grip harder to get the old sensation back!
Even if you use lube with your hand, it's still not good. Why? Because it makes you grip harder than you think when it slips around. Point is, no vagina (or anus or mouth for that matter) is going to grip your penis harder than your hand can.
When you can't get it up because of death grip, two things are happening. First, your nerves are less sensitive, but there's another factor as well. Each time you use your hand, your brain links sexual pleasure to everything surrounding masturbation, including how your hand feels. You can actually make your brain prefer your hand over another person if you masturbate too much or too hard. That's scary, but you'd be surprised how much I see it in my profession.
You don't want that. I don't want to see you have it. So, how do you get rid of it? Two things:
Stop abusing your penis by either avoiding masturbation or using a lifelike sex toy like a Fleshlight or a Tenga Egg. Rewire your brain by training it to know it can get sexual satisfaction from real sex.
Let's start with the first one. Going cold turkey from masturbation is the best way to start healing your penis, but it's rough. But it can also be great fun if you know there's a huge reward at the end (hint, hint!) Men who try this can go through weird lulls of feeling super-aroused followed by feeling like nothing is happening down there.
Something that may be more tolerable is to use a lifelike sex toy. I LOVE Fleshlights for this. Hands-down the best male sex toy on the market. If you warm them up, lube them right, and keep them maintained, you'll soon find that they're so much better than your hands for masturbation.
Tenga Eggs are also good for this, but if you have death grip really badly it can get pretty expensive going through them. They're a one-use sex toy. Still, they're cheaper than a Fleshlight. Also, if you're of a greater-than-average length, go for the Fleshlight. They can handle you.
Rewiring your brain for real sex is also a bit tricky. Most men don't just masturbate to their thoughts and fantasies. They're using some kind of pornography. I'm definitely NOT anti-porn. I just did an episode of Livestream with Hannah that talks about my favorites. But porn is entertainment. It's not real sex. We have to get your brain to understand that.
So here is my plan that you can follow about a month before your visit to start working on your death grip:
Get a Fleshlight with the Lotus sleeve. The original sleeve is great, but it's not realistic enough. Also get some water-based lube. Commit to not watching porn until this process is finished. Stop masturbating for about a week. You can do it! Take an hour of private time and try out your Fleshlight. Start by warming it up as directed, then use a few drops of lube around the entrance and on your shaft. Explore the opening with your fingers. Try closing your eyes and picturing a lover who wants to ride on top of you. Have fun! Clean your Fleshlight, then put it away for another week. The next time you use it, try to rig up a way where you can thrust into it. You can wedge it between your mattress or box springs, put it in a low shoe, something so that you can go 'hands-free'. Do the same warming and lubrication process first. Four days later, have another hands-free session, then wait until the end of the third week.
After this, your penis should be a lot more sensitive. Your death grip may not be completely cured in just three weeks, but it will definitely be a little better, and you'll have a sex toy that's much better for your penis.
"PIED" stands for "Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction," and "death grip syndrome" refers to a condition associated with excessive and aggressive masturbation.